RPA_Client Wants
Today’s ticket ranking list
1. Email
- Using categories from the client’s email
- Current the categories that the client wants: 전체, 스포츠, 콘서트, 뮤지컬, 캠핑
- There might be no category on the website. In this case, need Exception
- Sending the end data with Excel to the client by email.
2. Robotic Enterprise Framework
- Exception
- Leave RPA result with Excel
Create a separate Excel sheet for the RPA Result. If there is no category on the website that the client wants, make sure to leave “Fail”. The rest should be marked as “Success”.
3. Data Extract
- http://ticket.yes24.com/New/Rank/Ranking.aspx
- Needed columns : Ranking, Title, Starting date, Ending data, Location
4. Attended bot
- it means it will be working at the same PC
Timezone : (UTC+09:00) Seoul
Frequency : Daily
Repeat every 1 day(s) at 13:00
5. Project duration : 2 days
- Making simple, fast and reasonable logic.
- making use of config.xlsx as much as possible
Website analysis

- After analyzing the web site(html, css), I planed two data tables.
- For the categories, I used For Each UiElement activity.
- The date and Location were extracted at once. So, I needed string manipulation.
- They don’t have some categories that the client wants.

Robotic Enterprise Framework (REF)

- Getting Email subject and body for using Transaction List (Categories)
- Create Data Tables needed in the project. In this case, RPA result DT and Extract Data DT
- Initialization of almost all variables in the initial stage
- Mail.body string manipulation for the Transaction List (Categories)
Get transaction data

- Getting transaction data with List and string which is Transaction Item
Process Transaction

- Counting success or fail transaction and leaving the transaction item in Excel sheet named RPA result.
- Web crawling with For Each UiElement activity
- Building Business exception with Rethrow about the categories that the web doesn’t have
End process

- Recording the RPA result DT into Excel.
- Attaching files into email.
- Using String.Format for mail.subject and mail.body
- Publishing the package with UIpath Studio

- Installing the packing with UIpath Assistant

- Setting the trigger with UIpath Orchestrator

See other RPA(UIpath) Projects >> https://eunice0121.com/category/rpa-uipath/rpa_project/
Official UiPath website >> https://www.uipath.com/ko/rpa/robotic-process-automation